Uh, um, like, actually, so...Vocal Fillers have gotten a bad rap, you know? For as long as we've been speaking, we've been trying to speak better. Eliminating vocal fillers seems to be one of the first steps speakers make in improving their credibility. But what if these little interpolations aren't all bad? What if they're even helpful?
Presentation Coach & Power Rangers Superfan Katie Marshall digs into what a vocal filler is, the benefits they may bring, and how to update the fillers we use. Should we uhh, choose.
Referenced in this episode:
"Why filler words like 'um' and 'ah' are actually useful" (HBR)
"Ums, Has, and filler words: What does the research actually say?" (Extempra)
"Exploring filler words and their impact" (Emily Duvall, Aimee Robbins, Thomas Graham, and Scott Divett)
"The true story of the three little pigs" (Jon Scieszka)
"Dino Megazord First Battle" (or when all the Power Rangers join to become one monster robot Ranger)