After an entire Season of delving into the minds of my brilliant guests, it seemed only right that I turn over the mic and offer the same of myself. So with huge thanks to my wonderful friend Alice Shaw (of Episode 1 fame, no less) for allowing a poetic full circle and taking up the mantle of host, our guest this week for our final episode of the Season is… well... me!
As is the case for so many others, the role of disordered eating in my life has in many ways been a manifestation of a broader struggle with my mental health, and a desperate grab at control in a world where I truly just didn’t understand what was happening, and why it was happening to me. So in this episode, yes we talk about food and exercise and eating disorder therapy and all those wonderful things which I care so passionately about, but we also peel back the layers that little bit further to touch on where, for me, it really all began.
(I should also add a gentle trigger warning here – we do touch on aspects of self-harm and suicidal thoughts, so make sure you’re feeling in the right headspace to give this one a listen.)
Words will never be able to fully express how grateful I am to my amazing Season 1 interviewees for their bravery in stepping up to the mic, nor my brilliant listeners for taking a punt and for sending me such unbelievably beautiful and heart-warming messages, but for what it’s worth… thank you! It’s been an absolute blast. See you all for Season 2 in just a few months’ time!
If you are personally struggling with any of the issues discussed in this episode, there are resources out there to help. A great first port of call, if you are in the UK, is the charity BEAT:
The UK charity Mind also provides great mental health resources, both in relation to eating disorders and beyond:
If you are keen to explore further the ideas around intuitive eating and the Health At Every Size movement, I would recommend taking a look at the work by Laura Thomas PhD (@laurathomasphd), author and founder of the London Centre for Intuitive Eating.
Well Undone is hosted and produced by Lydia Allaby.