Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published
nutrition researcher specializing in complex neurological conditions,
particularly autism spectrum disorders. She is the author of the
award-winning book, Nourishing Hope for Autism, and co-author of a
study proving the efficacy of nutrition and dietary intervention for
autism published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nutrients. Julie’s
approached is based on the BioIndividual Nutrition® needs of each
person and stems from her 17 years of work with autism, ADHD, and
related disorders. Using autism as a model for complex chronic disease,
her approach and methodology has help practitioner specializing in
varied disorders help improve the health and healing of their clients
through strategic BioIndividual Nutrition and dietary intervention.
Julie has a private nutrition practice in San Francisco, California, and
supports families and clinicians from around the world with her
nutrition learning tools and professional training courses. Visit
http://NourishingHope.com and http://BioIndividualNutrition.com for more information.
Click here to download Julie’s newest guide, The 6 Nutrition Essentials to Improving Health, Learning, and Behavior in Your Child.