Hi, welcome back or to WDF where sometimes the world makes you wanna say WDF! Today's Monday podcast is about social media and the comments we leave and how it makes others feel.
Social media is funny with those videos of that dog that can talk to seeing a bird dance or seeing someone's uncle attempt a slip and slide and they fail miserably but it goes viral and makes you laugh. Social media also has a bad side well everything does it has the good with the bad yin and yang ☯️ you need a balance between the two.
Something happened to my mother recently on social media that got me thinking 🤔. So she posted a cool pic of her with a filter on and it just so happens to be the devil character. Within a couple of minutes of the pic being up someone told her how she is surviving two masters and how she can only serve one.
Let's look at this from 3 points of view: the point of view from the person posting the picture, the person who commented on the pic and mine.
First point of view: look at these different filters click wow I look so cool in this I'll post this pick to show others how cool I look.
The second point of view commenter: sees pick and thinks about theirs super religious background and thinks about the bible and tries to tell the other person not to fall for the devil's trap but doesn't know how to say things in a way that won't hurt someone's feelings.
The final point of view is mine: both are right in their own way but I feel as though you should not push your religion on others I will gladly respect you and what you believe in and I will even listen to what you have to say but please don't force it on others my mom looked really cool in the pic and she is not worshiping Satan.
There are more religions than Christianity and I feel as though Christians need to learn how to respect others' beliefs because we respect yours. I myself am a practicing Wiccan and pagan.
To sum this up please remember that what you comment on will always affect the other person on the other side of the screen. Try to take some time after this podcast and meditate or go for a walk outside. Life is more than what's on social media don't forget to live in the moment.
I mean no disrespect to all involved. I am using this moment as a learning moment.