Whether or not you let your kid have a cell phone or not, you'll enjoy this episode. For years now I've felt like I have always been a one-man voice shouting to the world that cell phones are killing the ability for us to really communicate with each other. Some kids get cell phones as young as 6 years old. What does a six-year-old need with a cell phone? Life for kids use to revolve around going outside to play with your friends, riding bikes, and maybe participating in a sport.
When I was young the instructions were simple. Come home when the street lights come on or there would be hell to pay. You also had to make sure you made it home by 5 for dinner. Now, most families don't even eat together. Everyone goes to their own place to watch tv or play with there phone while they eat. It's just wrong. You need to spend that time communicating with your kids!
I also go over what it means to be a father as compared to a dad. There is a big difference between the two. I'll go over the guidelines and you can decide whether your a father or a dad. (I'll give you a hint: If you always at work or on your cell phone you're a father. If you make it to your kid's recitals and games and shut your cell phone off while your there, you're a dad).
I hope you enjoy the episode.
Little Scotty
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