-"The Fuck It Diet" book, podcast, and additional works by Caroline Dooner thefuckitdiet.com/links IG: thefuckitdiet
-Barbara Orban of Nodietbabe and the manifesting doll podcast linktr.ee/nodietbabe IG: nodietbabe
-Dr. Lindo Bacon Author of "Health At Every Size" lindobacon.com
-Bevin with Bevin's Party linktr.ee/bevin IG: bevinsparty and fatkiddanceparty
-Aliyah of The Perceptions Trainers, Aliyah Mystery School and author of " The Perception Diet" linktr.ee/aliyah_pt IG: aliyah_pt
-Miri Zielke, Carbundance https://www.youtube.com/user/carbundance IG: carbundance---
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