Okay. Hi my friends. This is the final episode to season 5. It is a solo episode, because God had others plans. My guest I’d prepared felt a halt on her heart, and did a little rerouting. This episode is really raw. I recorded this episode from my childhood bedroom, and it’s about as real as it gets over here. I’ve treaded lightly within What was her name when it comes to God. Mainly because I know that there are many wounded by the church here, including me. However I want you to know that I’m sort of “reshaping” my vision here. I did something called an “inner healing” recently and it changed my life. So much so that I texted the woman who did it after and was like, “when can we do another one?!” and since did more. These series of inner healings gave God permission to touch and heal what therapy couldn’t. I’ve tried everything, for years. And while I’m a big advocate for therapy, it can not be your only source of healing. God is the one true healer and he healed memories and lifted a pain supernaturally. And I believe in what happened in these inner healings so much that I have a team actually willing to offer an inner healing for you. I will never not talk about how God healed something in me that could literally only be healed by the healer himself. And I want this for you too. But more importantly he wants this for you. You do not have to live as some trauma bird for the rest of your life. He has freedom for you from that pain. And he wants to replace what has been taken from you. - Joel 2 25-27: will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you.”