Looking to get in MESBG or relatively new to the game? Unsure what army or armies to start with? Want to learn how to go about getting the most bang for your buck? Then this is the perfect episode for you.
Most importantly, play what you like. Go with what interests you and draws you into Tolkien's world! Also consider a few other things that David, Lee, and Tyler discuss before making some purchases!
As a recap, when choosing an army you should consider:
What you like
Ability to expand/play other army lists with only a few additional purchases
Difficulty and time acquired to assemble and paint an army
How many points of an army you will need, which will influence other factors like cost and assembly/painting time
How you will transport your army
Your own playstyle
How your army interacts with the new scoring mechanics (does it give extra VPs? does it have a banner? etc.)