How To Build An Automated Sales Funnel Using Active Campaign.
What We Cover In This Episode - Why Email Marketing Is More Effective Than Social Media
- Understanding How To Optimize Active Campaign For Relationship Building
- The 4 Stages Of Every Single Sales Funnel
- How To Get more Sign-Ups For Your Email Newsletter
- How We Sell On Our Emails & Introduce Up-Sells
- How We Putt Readers Through A Retargeting Sequence With Our Emails.
Wild Audience has teamed up with ActiveCampaign to offer our audience (you!) 1-click automation templates & flexible pricing.
Here's how you get started:
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Episode Transcript
00:00 Hey, what's up guys? My name is Bastian. This video is about how to build an automated sales funnel with active campaign. Would that being said, let's roll that insurance
00:11 This is wild audience FM, the podcast where entrepreneurs talk about how to grow your business with respect-based marketing.
00:27 So how do you create a virtual version of your best salesperson? Imagine this, you could actually duplicate your best salesperson working 24 seven, three 65, never complaining, never asking for higher wages.
That's what an automated sales funnel is. So how do you build these automated sales funnel? Well, you need a specific type of software in order to get it done. We at wild audience and more than 50,000 customers worldwide love one single tool and this tool is called active campaign.
If you think that email marketing is dead, let me give you some stats real quick. Mckinsey, for example, set that email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media.
The direct marketing association reports that every single dollar spent into email marketing returns 38 US dollar. So that's pretty awesome no? And as well wild audience that my company, email marketing is the main driver and generator of our revenue.
01:25 I need you guys to zoom out and understand the big picture, a birds view of how to build a funnel, right? And for that I'll need you guys to understand the four stages of every single sales funnel.
Stage number one, the awareness stage. Stage number two is the relationship builder. Stage number three, sales stage. Stage number four is the upsell stage is to attract potential customers and then guide them through all four stages. And now I'm going to actually show you how to use active campaign in each and every stage.
Starting with the awareness stage. What's the goal of the awareness stage? Will, as the name says, we want to make people aware that you exist, okay?
We want to make them aware of your products and services exist that you as an individual, as an entrepreneur and business owner exist, and we have one single goal.
02:14 We want to get them to sign up with their email address and then enter our active campaign email funnel. Now, how do we do it? Well, what are you going to do is you gotta think about, okay, what is my paid product or service? Right?
Who am I selling this product or service to the customer Avatar? Right? And then think about some free educational information, content resources, uh, educational training you could offer them for free to make them aware that you exist. And the goal, of course, here's to help them to try to find solutions to the problem. That's where your free educational resources and information and training comes in, right?
So you're going to create that. There are two ways on how to create that way. Number one is a blog post. It's a free blog post. It's 2000 words long and you're going to put a content upgrade in their way number is offer them a lead magnet.
03:02 A lead magnet is basically, it's just like your blog post, but transformed into a pdf. And the goal here is to put that pdf and promoted with paid advertising. So these are the two different ways. Blog post you will attract organic traffic, free traffic, and then the pdf is where you want to attract pay traffic, PPC traffic.
The next step is to actually get them to sign up. Our signup process is actually a segmentation process. The goal here is to collect data. We want to get to know our people, so you give them the lead packeting often, which is basically a survey of four to five question they go through. The questioner is signed up so you have that information.
Now we can store that information in active campaign and that's where the relationship builder stage jumps in. Now the goal, of course, is to build a relationship, create trust and install all necessary buying beliefs.
03:56 Let's talk about this now. The better you get at the establishing a relationship, the higher you will convert into more revenue will make. The best thing is you can automate relationship building. So how do you automate relationship building? Well, that's where active campaign comes in.
That's what it does best and email automation built with active campaign, but usually, we send between four and seven emails because you want to optimize your email experience to get people to engage with you and your content and here's how you do that. In the first email, for example, we use an activation hook.
This is all about getting people to reply to our first email. This acts as a micro-investment and that's what you do. You want to get people to micro-invest into you and your content. Now, the first way to do that is through activation hook.
04:41 Another way to do that is through the frequencies, electrical. What is that is if you architect the whole thing and then give them the steering wheel at the end of each email, we want to give them a frequency electric and tell them, hey, do you want to get the next email now or in two days or tomorrow?
So that's how you decrease the time it takes for people to buy your stuff because they can engage and actually the site to where I want to go faster or slower. That's a frequency selector and that's what it does. What else do we have?
Cliffhangers, of course, think about your favorite TV show, what happens at the end of each episode, something dramatic happens and then it turns black and it says to be continued. We took the same concept and put it into every single email we sent, right?
If it's part of an rbs, the gets people to read an email and read the next and next and read the next, and that's where our clients get open rates of 40, 50, 60, 70 percent because people get hooked to their content.
05:31 Another way on how you can actually increase engagement and get people to do the things you need them to do is through dynamic content. What does dynamic on basically remember when we did the segmentation process and collected that information and store it in our active campaign profile?
Well, now we're going to grab that information and put it into the emails. John is very different than marrying. Don't treat them the same. Use the information you collected and customize certain sentences based on where they are in their journey. That's what the name of content does and that's what you can do with active components.
Super Awesome. And then finally lead scoring. How does it work? Well, basically you want to score the behavior of your people. Example, if someone clicks the link, five points. If someone purchases an entry point product, 100 points, if someone purchases a core product, 200 points, that's the whole idea.
06:17 You scored their behavior, even have leaderboards where you can see who is the most engaged person in your world, uh, and then of course, the higher the engagement, the higher the conversion rates and revenue will be if you attract the right type of people, right?
Relationship building and stuff is a pull mechanism and that's the difference of attracting certain people and then pushing them, you opportunity onto them. That's pushing and it's very salesy.
Usually, we don't like that. That's why we don't do it. We focused on establishing a relationship to pull people closer and at the right time of the right solution to the right person. That's how you win. So we all people who actually go through your rbs buy your products or services, no, they want the majority won't, and that's also not the goal.
It's okay because the goal is to establish a relationship and prepared them for the sale stage.
07:04 So if they don't put themselves into the sales stage, they're not ready yet. That's the case. So what we're gonna do is we're going to put them into an evergreen newsletter. It's basically a never-ending email sequence.
You can decide on that day and then every single week and have published a new email on that day. So inside the relationship builder stage, in the email sequence in the rbs, we're going to start linking them to our sales stage, which could be a sales page, a sales call or strategy call, a Webinar, live webinar and application of trial. Whatever it is, we start linking them. That was the relationship builder stage.
What does the sales stage that went through their relationship build a sequence? They actually have all the necessary buying beliefs installed in the relationship builder stage to better your job. There are the more conversions and sales will come in later, so let's.
07:44 Let's assume someone is ready, absolutely ready. How do we sell them? Again, depending on your price point and to who you sell, you want to choose your sales event can be a sales page of text-based sales page only.
Texts can be a vsl only video sales letter, just a video can be hybrid, meaning there's a video on top and text on the bottom. It could be an application where you get people to apply. It could be a strategy session or discovery call or a sales call.
It could be a trial, so these are all different ways and how you can actually get people to convert and become customers of yours. There are three ways on how we can close people. Way Number one is people go through your rbs and they click a link in there to check on your sales pitch and then they purchase the majority of people.
08:27 They will convert later as a set, so they will receive your evergreen newsletter and then they will click a link in there to check out your sales page, and then the third way is to use behavior-based pitching. What does that Pavia based pitching?
Basically, you're going to track their behavior and then at the right time we're going to pitch them, and so if they visit a sales page two times, if they visit a certain product page three times scare swat, they show interest.
We want to start sending them an email, right? Hey, I just saw you visited sales page x two times. Seems like you're interested. Why don't we jump on a quick call and discover of this makes sense for you or someone just visited me.
Two of your blog posts. You can trigger an email and give them a discount. Easiest that all that can be done with active campaign in the sales stage.
09:12 We can now start to increase the sales pressure by introducing scarcity and urgency. We can offer them a discount, special VIP coaching, VIP support, free product, and additional feature.
All these things we can introduce during the sales stage to increase conversions and of course we get to make sure guys that it's extremely important that you don't introduce fake scarcity. So if you sell an online course which has unlimited availability, you cannot say there are only 10 pieces of data because it's actually fake.
So that sums up the sales stage. What's up next? The upselling stage. We want to increase customer lifetime values. Someone who purchased from you is a buyer, meaning to have a relationship with you.
We don't want to stop here, so what do we do? You're going to put them into an onboarding email sequence of three to four emails, making sure they're well onboarded, and they received value from it, and then once they have received value from you and have certain wind moments, and at that time you want to make sure to introduce an upsell or cross-sell, not only selling but also deepen the relationship.
10:09 As long as you provide value, people will come back and purchase more. So how does upselling work with active campaign purchased your first product? You put them into an email sequence where you onboard them and then you want to upsell or cross-sell them three or four emails, easy deal, right?
You can put some scarcity, urgency, everything cool. That's number one. Number two is to actually call him right? If someone purchased maybe a $20 product, but you actually offer also a $200 product and how do we do that with active campaign?
Well, we can actually trigger a Webhook to send a tech from active campaign to your phone, crm, your sales crm information sync between active campaign, a software and the close ios software. Super Awesome. Another way will be to show them ads on facebook or Instagram active campaign actually integrates with facebook, can put them into a custom audience from active campaign.
10:57 Automatically. This person will see a very specific ad on facebook or Instagram, right? And you can put them through a retarding at sequence on facebook and Instagram and actually sell your stuff over there as well. Right?
So that's how you make email work together with phones and recharging. Super Powerful. As I mentioned before, active campaign actors to heart the software tool that isn't a middle and connects to all the other tools. That's it, guys. That's how you build a sales funnel with active campaign.
If you enjoyed the video, make sure to smash that like button. Hit subscribe if you want because we're going to publish a new video every single week. My name is Bastian. I'm the founder of wild audience nd I'll see you guys soon.
11:37 Everyone. This is Bastian. I hope I was able to provide value to you today through this podcast episode and if I did know that this made my day as I love when people go through all content.
So let's change topic real quick. I want to share some news with wild audience. Has teamed up with active campaign to offer you the official wild audience automation templates and one of the things which I cannot share publicly here, but I'll share how you can learn more about it in a second. So this special offer is four, three types of people and businesses.
So if you already use active campaign, you can move your active campaign account over wild audience to get access to all of our official wild audience automation templates, plus some other benefits if you were to use a different email automation tool like MailChimp, but you want to use active campaign plus our templates and this offer works for you as well.
12:31 Or if you haven't decided on a tool yet and you need some advice than this works for you, swap so you can check out our special offer wild campaign at the time I record this morning, 200 businesses use active campaign through wild audience already because they love the extra benefits we provide.
So if you want to know more about how this works and what the benefits are, including the one I can not share publicly, go to Now to learn more about it. So thanks so much guys and talk to you in the next episode. As always, peace out.
Wild Audience has teamed up with ActiveCampaign to offer our audience (you!) 1-click automation templates & flexible pricing.
Here's how you get started:
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