Today’s guest, with whom we’ll be chillin’
Brings a method of knowledge distillin’:
To cleave with an axe
The opinions from facts,
So please welcome Dr. Jack Killen!
* “Science is one way of knowing.” – Jack Killen
* VUCA: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous (Dan Siegel)
* we don’t have to choose between science and spirituality – we can have our cake and eat it too
* what it means to bring a more scientific mindset into our study of, and work with the Enneagram
* how this can benefit the Enneagram field of study in general
* how this can benefit me, the listener, in my work with the Enneagram. Why not just ignore everything you’re saying and get back to doing what I know works?
Jack Killen, MD recently retired from a 33 year career in biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health. He has been an avid student of the Enneagram for 20 years, and is certified as an Enneagram teacher and Coach by Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition, and The Enneagram in Business. He has particular interests in the intersections of science, the Enneagram, and wisdom tradition teachings and practices. He and colleagues, Dan Siegel, David Daniels, Denise Daniels, Laura Baker, and Kristin Arthur, collaborate in an ongoing project which seeks to look at the Enneagram from a scientific perspective. He teaches Enneagram workshops and collaborates with his husband, Fred Boykin, in work with individuals and couples. He is a professional member of the International Enneagram Association, and a member and past president of the Enneagram Association in the Narrative Tradition.
If you’d like to read more about Jack’s work, you can read some articles he and his colleagues have written here, here, and here.
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We’re here every other Wednesday morning, so we’ll see you next time!