Have you ever walked into a crowded unfamiliar room and felt like all eyes were on you? Or felt like that zit on your forehead or stain on your shirt is drawing everyone's attention?
It’s a feeling we have all had at some point in our lives. Why do we feel this way? Why do we sometimes overestimate how likely other people are to notice negative things about us?
Well we can thank a cognitive bias called the Spotlight Effect for this one!
This effect can strongly influence our thinking in so many situations, so it’s important to understand it, especially when it comes to making ourselves feel less self-conscious and more confident.
That’s why it’s the topic of today’s podcast. Why it happens, and how can we reduce the degree to which it influences us so we can get on with doing the things we want to do to improve our health and wellness.
If you are finding it difficult to manage your mental or emotional health, it’s so important to seek help. Follow the links below to access support. You are never alone and even if it doesn’t feel like it right now….things will get better...there is always a light at the end of the tunnel when you keep moving forward.
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Website: https://firedupfitness.ca/
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[episode music courtesy of purple-planet.com]