Part 1 of 5 in the 5 W's of Fasting Series
Why purposely choose not to eat? If you've got HS, and adjusting your diet hasn't improved your symptoms as much as you'd like, today's discussion is going to cover how fasting may be able to help you improve your symptoms more so than just diet changes alone.
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Here are the links to all the reference mentioned throughout the episode:
No BS About HS
HS Foundation
The Harvard Article, Understanding acute and chronic inflammation
PubMed Review PMID 32947129, Effects of intermittent fasting diets on plasma concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
PubMed Article PMID 23044824, The inflammation theory of disease
PubMed Article PMID 24440038, Fasting: molecular mechanisms and clinical applications
The Definitive Guide to the Primal Eating Plan