Kaz, Randy and X are back! X’s car works now! After quickly catching up on the weather, we get you up to speed on the Useless Information™ you’ve been missing all this year! Wine Biz Radio, biting the hand that feeds it! Streams of consciousness bouncing from topic to topic! Tasting room confessions! You can’t believe what a year off does to three guys until you listen to this!
Cornerstone Garden
Keating Tasting Room
North Coast Wine Industry Expo
Unified Symposium (January 28-30)
Teutonic Wine Company 2011 Pinot “Teutonic Battle” Laurel Vineyard, Chehalem Mountains
Beverage Industry Magazine
Shelburne Vineyard in Vermont
Marquette grapes
Vermont maple syrup
Grades of maple syrup
Christophe’s T-shirt from Vermont
Christophe’s “Loyal To The Soil” Shirt from Humboldt
Lew Perdue’s Wine Industry Insight