Do you recognize that your stories create
the inner thermostat for abundance?
In other words, the stories from your up-bringing, the thoughts that cycle beneath the surface of your awareness, and those that plague you while you should be sleeping, the patterns and habits you don’t even see, are the culprits in keeping you at a consistent level for abundance…and for lack.
Money Matters are those pesky inner blocks you keep petting.
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This is true not only just for money matters, but also where any affairs of the heart are rooted.This is true in matters of your health and wellness.This is true for every area of your life where there is stuck energies.The truth is, we live in an incredibly abundant universe where food grows on trees, and abundant cycles are the heartbeat of Nature.
There is no lack in Nature.
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What That Means for You
What all of this means is that you are actually the one at the controls of the damming of the flow.
No external force is keeping you from the wealth of love, money and joy that you desire.
How could there be an external force that controls you? The answer of course, is there couldn’t be.
No external monsters are keeping abundance away.
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If your love life, your finances, your health, and even your general disposition aren’t what you dream of, you can find the source of that lack when you look in the mirror.
Does it sting to think that you are standing in the way of all you desire?
Let it sting for only long enough to get your attention. And then, it’s time to address that source of the pinch.