True Spiritual Revolution is the only way to real Human Development and World Peace. And Real human development and world peace can be achieved only through mind-developing education.
In this extreme crisis period of the age, with the aim of real human development and world peace, the great philosopher, multi-talented wise sage and scientist ~ Maharshi Mahamanas ~ has initiated a great spiritual revolution to free the entire mankind from suffering and misery.
Pioneer of rational spirituality and devoted to human welfare ~ Sumeru Ray alias Maharshi MahaManas ~ To dispel the darkness of ignorance along with human-centered unrest, bloodshed and poverty all over the world, sought true human liberation in the path of Atma-Vikas-Yoga (self / mind-development yoga) called 'MahaManan'. By practicing his sure education and methods based on his spiritual science, radical good changes will come in human life.
The key word of Maharshi MahaManas' revolutionary doctrine of human liberation ~ 'MahaVad' is: Most of the man-made problems around the world~ injustice - tyranny, oppression, fraud, poverty, unrest etc. are the root cause of people's lack of sufficient knowledge and consciousness, and mental illness. Blind-faith, superstition, hatred, violence, terror, all sprang from that. The only solution is 'MahaManan' 'महामनन' आत्म-विकास योग or मन-विकास शिक्षाक्रम (mind-developmental education) and practice.
Maharshi said, real human development is possible only through proper आत्म-विकास शिक्षाक्रम or mind-developmental education. It is for this purpose that Maharshi MahaManas has developed a great and unparalleled educational system for creating a well-developed human beings with 'MahaManan' Meditation 'महामनन' आत्म-ध्यान (self-meditation) training for true human development and world peace!
Real human development and world peace can be achieved only if Atma Vikas Yoga Sikshakram आत्म विकास योग शिक्षाक्रम or mind-developmental education and training called 'MahaManan' is introduced everywhere. If true human development takes place through this mind-developmental education, only then will most human-centered problems and crises be solved.
He soon aspired to build a world-class university of reasonable spirituality for true self / mind-development education and self-meditation training. Maharshi called upon all conscious people to extend their hand of cooperation to make this great initiative of human development a success.
Along with that, he is also appealing to the government, to protect the next generation from the terrible difficult situation of the future, to make them healthy, rich in knowledge and consciousness, sufficiently developed people, that the government should include this psychological education in the curriculum of every school.
At his young age, Maharshi traveled all over the country in search of truth and finally after a long period of penance in the Himalayas, he realized that the root cause of so many sufferings and problems of people is their lack of knowledge and consciousness and illness of body and mind. Most human-centered problems will be solved only if we can get rid of it.
Then he developed an excellent human development education system through long-term pursuit and research. It is named - 'महामनन' आत्म-विकास योग शिक्षाक्रम ('MahaManan' self-development curriculum). After that he came down from the Himalayas and started teaching
He has written several books with the aim of human development through mind-development. His books are available on other portals including Amazon. If you search the internet, you will find many of his articles, podcasts and videos on human development. In 2021, his research and discoveries on six important topics were published in various international science journals. Besides, he has been giving meditation training to many people in different places almost regularly.
Through the Internet, his human development activities and his great doctrine of human liberation...