This week I'm chatting with
Erin Brown - author, international speaker, slam poet, and activist from Lawrence, KS. Her work focuses on women and autonomy. It includes themes of positive body image, eradicating rape culture, honoring the power of our voices, self-care over martyrdom, intersectional thinking and inclusive leadership. In this episode we talk about Erin's latest project,
The Sexual Sovereignty Project, her recent doula training at Ancient Strong in Brooklyn NY and the work of purposeful action toward reproductive justice for all birthing people, we talk about breaking oppressive rules and not apologizing for it, being flexible with yourself and approaching yourself with more curiosity, how to take the first steps in unpacking your "stuff", and the need for more men to step it up and lead the charge amongst other men in the toxic masculinity conversation - not only dealing with their own issues, but not accepting toxic masculinity wherever it is. For a chance at winning a signed copy of Erin's book Sovereignty and Affirmation deck listen to the episode for deets and head over to my instagram: @JacCarly - I'm giving away FIVE!!! SHOW LINKS
Erin Brown Website Erin Brown Instagram Erin Brown Facebook Ericka Hart on Instagram Patrisse Cullors-Brignac on Instagram When They Call You A Terrorist Jason Leenart Dan Keogh Dave Dellanave
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