Welcome back to WOOPS (World of Outrageous Poop Stories)
WOOPS is a comedy podcast about people's embarrassing poop stories from around the world. In today's episode, I sat down with Karolina from Warsaw, Poland. She shares with us her most painful poop story while traveling through Tajikistan. Also if you want to know the best place to poop in Warsaw, Poland, then have a listen.
I hope this brings you laughter and joy. And remember to ask your friends have you had your daily woops! If you would like to contact me about your own funny stories or have any comments you can reach out to me at ([email protected])
Polish intro: Welcome to woops (World of Outrageous Poop Stories)
Second Polish: You are listening to woops.
The song in the beginning is the National Anthem of Tajikstan I do not own any rights to the song. Where I sourced the song ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tajikistan)