We are joined today by the incredibly talented Simon Shepard. Simon is often described as a nuisance. He has worked at Lord’s cricket ground for the past 30 years, firstly as a physiotherapist, and for the past two decades as head of player health, wellbeing and sports science for Middlesex CCC and MCC.
Alongside his work in sport, he has delivered coaching and training to organisations that consider their people to be a valued asset. He spends a considerable amount of time working with NHS staff, where his message is clear – the carers of today need to look after themselves if they are not to become the patients of tomorrow.
He recently published The Battle for Balance, and as for the ‘nuisance’ bit, whilst he sometimes does get under peoples’ skin, more than anything his ideal day is to help you understand yourself better and ultimately allow you to get under yours!
For more information on Simon, connect with him on Linked in https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-shepard-a9868a16/
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