Finding the time to write consistently can be a pain. That is why I believe structuring my life around writing was the best move I have made. If you are anything like me, with an 8 to 5 job, wife, two beautiful kids and your time is being consumed elsewhere.
Finding time to write and edit your novel can be difficult, but it does not have to be.
I had no idea how the hell I was going to finish a novel in 30 days.
So I took a step back took a deep breath in - and deep breath out and got strategic about it.
Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed with a problem I love removing myself from it and examining the source of the problem. In this case, it is time.
When's the last time you made a schedule for yourself and followed it?
Before I started writing I never really had a schedule.
So I TOOK out a piece a paper and spent an hour writing all the task I did ritually, throughout the day, along with the time that I do them. Pretty simple right.
I then spent the rest of the day verifying those task when I did them. Working, driving home, picking my daughter up, cleaning, and leisures like playing dragon ball z and watching Hannibal.
Guess what happened. I realized that including my leisure time I had eight extra hours of time that could be spent pursuing what I enjoyed most. Telling stories. Eight fucking hours. That is crazy. That is a work day.
Lets put it into perspective before I let you go. I wake up at 5 am to work on my projects I work my day job from 8-5. It takes about an hour for me to get home and unwind to play with the kids, you know enjoying the family stuff. Between 6 pm and 11 pm, I am creating and putting in the work that will one day reward me with the reality and life I desire the most. Then I do it all over again the next day.
When you create this new schedule around your life. Take your time to ease into it. No one is perfect so if you get thrown off don't quit. React appropriately and adjust.
Question of the day. How much time do you have set aside to write? Tweet using the hashtag #WritingSolar
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