Hey 1Ls,
Here's my audio outline for Prof. Kloempken's Legal Research
Fall Semester Exam! (Students with other Legal Research professors used it last
year for the final and gave positive feedback as well). In it, you'll find (almost!)
everything you need to know in order to be a LEGAL RESEARCH GOD!
Cautionary Tale: I originally recorded the vast majority of this
content two years ago, based off of a study guide that Prof. K distributed in
class. I cannot vouch for (a) it's currentness or (b) it's total clarity (I
didn't write the guide). You'll still have to do some leg work to make sure
everything I say is correct (it most likely is... I'm not out to sabotage you,
but I'm human and prone to the occasional slip-up. Perhaps if you get the study
guide again this year, listen to it the first time through with the study guide
in front of you!). Also, DO NOT RELY SOLEY ON THIS OUTLINE! Like any other old
outline, you'll want to supplement it with any additional material you learned
in class/ correct for any outdated facts, etc. Your power points and class
notes will be helpful for this!
Finally, I tend to be employ obnoxious accents sometimes when I
say certain words (like "Svengali book" and "Hein Online").
I may sound annoying saying those words, but you'll always remember them!
Hope this helps!
Much love,
Cary Simowitz (The Prince of Torts -- my totally facetious
Copyright note: I have borrowed altered 30 second snippets of
two songs in this podcast, credited after the show. I do not claim ownership, I
purchased them legally through iTunes, and I encourage you to do the same if
like them! (Nobody likes pirates). So please don't sue me! That would suck.
Peace out!