April 22, 2020
How to Make Your Own Face Mask
Exercise 1- Vocabulary
caught offguard expression : to be surprised by something unexpected
tip –n. apiece of advice or useful information
comfortably –adj. donewith no physically unpleasant feelings
recommend –v. tosuggest that someone do (something)
sew –v. tomake or repair something using a needle and thread
fabric –n. amaterial like a cloth
bleach –n. astrong chemical that is used to make something clean or white
respirator –n. adevice worn over the mouth and nose that aids breathing when there is apollutant in the air
tuck –v. topush the end of (something, such as a piece of cloth or paper) into or behindsomething in order to hold it in place, make it look neat, etc.
Excercise2 - Article
How to Make Your Own Face Mask
Much ofthe world was caught off guard by the new coronavirus. In many waysand in many places, governments, health care providers and average people werenot ready.
Somehospitals, doctors offices and emergency workers found themselves in shortsupply of personal protective equipment, also called PPE.
Localofficials in many parts of the world suggest wearing a face mask in public. Asimple cloth face covering can help to slow the spread of the virus. But facemasks can be hard to find. High quality ones used by professionals need to bereserved for healthcare workers.
So, people are making their own.
a. fit securelybut comfortably around the side of the face
B. be secured with ties or ear loops
c. include two or more layers offabric
D. permit for easy breathing
E. be able to be washed and driedwithout damage or change to shape
Healthofficials recommend using 100 percent cotton for a face mask. Butwhat if I don't know how to sew? Now, for those people who cannot sew,there are ways to make no-sew face masks. The CDC shows two ways on itswebsite. One uses a cotton t-shirt. The other method uses a coffee filter.
A. Cotton T-shirt face mask
Here is a step-by-step process formaking a face mask from a 100 percent cotton T-shirt. However, if you do nothave a 100 percent cotton t-shirt, you can use other materials that areeasy-to-find.
You will not need string to tie itaround your face if you follow the directions. You will use the T-shirt fabricto make tie “strings.”
Here is what you will need:
cotton T-shirt
1. First, cut 18 to 20 centimetersfrom the bottom of the t-shirt. This will leave you with a double-layeredrectangle of fabric.
2. Keep the fabric doubled. Fromonly one edge of the fabric, cut out an inner rectangle about 15 to 17centimeters wide. This will leave the outer edges on the top and bottom as tiestrings.
3. Fit the mask securely over yournose and mouth. Tie the fabric “strings” around your neck and over the top ofyour head.
How to remove a face mask
Healthofficials say to remove a face mask from behind. Do not touch the front of themask. The CDC says to avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes. Also, washyour hands immediately after removing it.
Otherhealth experts add that you should store the used mask in a plastic bag and nottouch it again until it is cleaned.
How to wash a cloth face mask
The CDCsuggests that you wash your masks after each use. CDC experts say that awashing machine should be enough to kill the virus.
However,other health experts say that may not be enough. Some suggest cleaning themasks for 10 minutes in boiling water or in a bleach solution beforewashing.
If you do not have a washingmachine, hand wash with soap and hot water.
Who should not wear cloth facecoverings?
Noteveryone should wear a face mask. Cloth face coverings should not be placed onyoung children under age 2. Also, people should not wear a face mask if theyhave trouble breathing or are unable to remove the mask without help.
Wearing a cloth face mask is notenough.
Wearing acloth facevmask may reduce the risk of becoming infected with the newcoronavirus. However, the CDC and other health organizations give thisimportant warning: Cloth masks should be used with other methods, such associal distancing, handwashing and staying at home.
1. What does the CDC say about making aface covering?
2. What is the safest way to removeyour face mask?
3. The CDC recommends this kind ofperson should wear a mask.
4. What important warning do the CDCand other health organizations give about face masks?