Back in the year 2000, a radio station in Canada broadcasts the events of the Apocalypse and the creation of an alternate reality. In this minisode #12, with the Internet down, Quantum Physics Professor Kenneth Morris connects to an underground bulletin board system to contact Ezekiel, the apocalyptic cult leader, and start a plan to transcend the end of the world.
By Eduardo Soto-Falcon with Jeffrey Carl and Nathanael Azevedo.
This is the final minisode from the 2020 audio sessions.
Y2K Redux is an original audio drama written, directed & edited by Eduardo Soto-Falcon
Produced by Pilgrim Falcon Productions
With the financial support of the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund
Voiced by James Kenneth, Emily Schooley, Jeffrey Carl, Genaro Vasquez, Philomena Sherwood, Julie C. Sheppard, Manny Bains, Matt Clark, Nathanael Azevedo, Mikael Melo, Elisabeth Bernal, Denise Gismondi, Chris Ellison, Ana Gabriela Quintero and Wayne McCracken
Original Music by Steve Lehmann & Alejandro Giacoman
©2021 Pilgrim Falcon Productions