路加福音 Luke 4:16-21(12/12/2021)
引言 IntroductionA. 場景 The Context1. 開始在加利利傳道 The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry2. 拿撒勒、安息日、會堂 Nazareth, Sabbath, and Synagogue3. 站起來讀、定睛看、坐下來講 Stood up to Read, Eyes Fixed, and Sit down to Expound
B. 信息 The Message1. 聖靈、膏抹、差遣 The Spirit, the Anointing, and the Sending 2. 貧窮的、被擄的、瞎眼的、受壓制的 The Poor, Captive, Blind, and Oppressed3. 福音、釋放、恢復、禧年 The Good News, Release, Recovery, and the Jubilee4. 以色列、耶穌、教會 Israel, Jesus, and the Church5. 過去、“今天”、現在 The Past, “Today”, and the Present
C. 意義 The Meaning1. 宣告 The Announcement2. 邀請 The Invitation3. 回應 The Response