10pm December 5th, 2014
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Tonight's story was entitled 10PM - December 5, 2014 written by Kristopher J Pattren, writing as u/OsoBrazos. More of his tales can be found at kristopherjpattern.wordpress.com.
The music for this episode was downloaded under the creative commons license at freemusicarchive.org
The music for this episode was written by Westy Reflectory and Lee Rosevere, Circus Marcus, Ian Alex Mac, and Squire Tuck.
The part of dispatch was performed by Mark Savio.
The part of the German was performed by Troy Harris, who can be reached on Twitter @itsthattroyguy.
Sound Effect assistance was provided by Kyle Proegler.
Narration and production was done by Derrick Penrod.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Would you like your story or music featured in another episode?
Contact Yara at [email protected].
Follow us on Twitter @yarashant.
Thank you for listening, and may your fear be sharpened.