A message from Christ- what the world urgently needs to hear.
Today since the war has erupted in Israel I thought this reading appropriate.
This is an audio portion of the book Christ Returns , letter 4, read by E. Thomas Costello
The name of the book both in paperback and audio is titled Christ Returns Speaks his truth. The book is by a person who calls herself “ the recorder”. This is what she writes in the forward:
First, I would like to explain why I have used the title of recorder in place of my real name.
There was never the slightest doubt in my mind, whilst writing these LETTERS, That they emanated from Christ. I have described my reasons for being so sure of this, in my short biography.
During the writing of the LETTERS, I was clearly told to leave myself out of the picture that CHRIST’S LETTERS must stand entirely on their own. People must decide for themselves whether the Letters rang true or whether people feel they were fake. I had written down what I had received, I would try to get them out for public scrutiny and whatever happened after that was strictly between the reader of the LETTERS and Christ Consciousness.
Christ says: I have come to rectify the misinterpretations placed in the teachings given when known as ‘JESUS’ in Palestine, 2000 years ago.
Christ also says:
Because people are on the threshold of a world crisis of enormous proportions, it is vital for survival that I, The Christ, should reach all who will listen. You know little of the true processes of creation in which you, yourselves play a major role. It is imperative you should understand them sufficiently to enable you to embark on the implementation of a higher vision for all of humanity.
‘It is impossible for my spiritual consciousness to take on human form; to enable me to speak to you directly, I have de-programmed and prepared a receptive, obedient mind to receive my Truth and frame it into words. She is my ‘recorder’.’
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