What does the phrase "losing weight God's way" mean to you?
Here's what it means to me:
It means being aligned with His truths.
It means relying on the incredible gifts He's blessed us with.
It means inviting Him fully into the process.
It means giving yourself grace when things don't go as planned.
It means having conviction to learn and grow from your mistakes.
It means loving yourself through the process.
It means having a solid foundation that leads to a healthier life.
It means rejecting the world's diet culture filled with striving and struggles that promotes a negative mental state.
A mental state filled with doubts, confusion, and overwhelm.
A mental state that leads to a cruel cycle of starting -- quitting -- starting -- quitting...
This is NOT what God has planned for you.
So join me to learn how you can reject the world's diet culture and choose an approach that serves you rather than tears you down - losing weight God's way.
And if real weight loss is on your 2022 to-do list, be sure to check out my 5-Day Challenge Lose Weight God's Way. We started Monday, January 3rd but get registered, message me, and I'll help you catch up!
“It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built." Jesus in Luke 6:48
Email me at [email protected] to get in for the 5-Day Lose Weight God's Way challenge.
Get access to the
mini-course, Five Simple Ways to Eliminate Weight Now at