''It's okay when it's just me and them''
''They're fine until something else comes along''
Common phrases we hear as professionals, irregardless of whether the dog struggles with reactivity or not.
When generating a dogs interest levels around distractions, there are a few key things to look into more. If you're struggling with a dog who just isn't listening to you, then today's show will be most helpful for you.
Get ready to go against the grain!
This is the final call and intake for Elite, the 12 week, in person, reactivity training program.
Three of the spaces have gone, meaning there are only two left as I type this.
To learn more about getting the guided support and training advice for you and your reactive dog, by clicking here to view more about the program: Click here
To quickly jump in and register your interest to join us, simply email us with the tag line ELITE APPLICATION using this email address: [email protected]
Enjoy the show!