If there was ever a time to take stock, fix shit that wasn’t working in the first place and put some better plans in place…well my friend NOW is the time. You’re future self will thank you for it…I Guaran-dam-tee you they will.
So let’s talk about the times for any entrepreneur when things can slow down. Seasonal trends, whether holiday time for many businesses or obvious lack of demand or opportunity. In some industries, the interest of customers turn elsewhere in the summer. Macroeconomics may play cruelly in your industry, or there could be a recession. Maybe there's been an unusual local or regional event that hurt your business.
No matter how high flying your company, eventually it will experience a slowdown. It can be tough on an entrepreneur. You worry about the health of the business, your employees, bills, your income and obligations. You could get stuck in a funk, but that does no good and can only lead to depression, inaction, and, as a result, even more problems.
Instead, in the next ten minutes I’m going to give you a list of 28 things you can do instead of funking around and get your business ready to go. Some are aimed at your business. Some recognise that when things slow, there may be other parts of your life you can attend to. How should you handle a slowdown? Well hang on to your hats, because here they come…
Key takeaways from the podcast: Things to do to make this time constructive
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As business owners we are just really, really busy. Time in the one thing we can’t make more of. So in ‘Your Best Kept Business Secret’ Podcast, I’ll be answering different business problems from very different perspectives so you can get on and monetise, grow and market your business faster and easier.
And thank you for listening in! There are many podcasts you could be listening in to today, but you chose this one and I’m hugely grateful. If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it on social media and maybe give us a review.
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Website: https://www.marcford.uk