Laurie has worked in the not-for-profit sector for over twenty years. She has served in numerous professional and volunteer roles including development director, grassroots fundraiser, executive director, board member, and board chair for a variety of not for profit organizations throughout her career. Laurie currently provides consulting in fundraising, community organizing, board development, executive coaching, and strategic planning. She feels that fundraising and building a Culture of Philanthropy is sacred transformative work. Not only is it meaningful, but it can alter the trajectory of an organization.
Laurie started Rainmaker Consulting Group LLC in 2003 because she saw that many organizations were lacking buy-in for fund development. Many had a mindset of scarcity. They didn’t think that they could raise enough money, that they didn’t “know anyone with money”, that their board was disengaged, and many of their top executives were not embracing fund development. There was a substantial gap between what nonprofit organizations needed and what they were achieving to fulfill their missions. What was lacking was a Culture of Philanthropy.
In the last 10 years, Herrick has focused her work on helping organizational leaders build a comprehensive, agency-wide, Culture of Philanthropy. Each of these teams of leaders together created implementation plans and built strategies to make positive culture change stick. The lessons and best practices gained through her consulting and teaching has led to her upcoming book, Choose Abundance: An Organizational Guide to Build a Culture of Philanthropy.