25 years ago in Northern Germany, an Amiga/C64 demoparty called "Symposium" and a PC demoparty called "Mekka" decided to merge into one common demoscene event on Easter, bringing the home computer and PC demoscene under one roof - Something almost unthinkable at the time.
This was the beginning of a tradition that was eventually carried on by Breakpoint and resulted in Revision, the world's biggest pure demoparty.
Ah, the kids we were...! But wait, what about kids today? In the second half of the episode, we explore how kids perceive the digital world today, how they enter it, concepts and pitfalls of current media education, and if the demoscene can still be relevant for this generation.
So what better time of the year to invite Steeler, orga of Mekka & Symposium as well as a media education advisor these days, looking all the way from the 1980s and compare it to the next generation's approach to creativity and tinkering.
Lean back and get ready for a MASSIVE episode!
Revision Satellites Demoparty: https://2022.revision-party.net/
Axel's Basel Film Music Festival https://www.basel-film.com/
PS' Demoscene Report https://www.youtube.com/c/psenough
Demoscene Outreach Tour 2007: https://demotrip.blogspot.com/
Medienzentrum Harburg: https://www.medienzentrum-harburg.de/
Steeler's Personal Page and Projects today: https://ekkib.de/index_en.html
People Make Games YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZB6V9fUov0Mx_us3MWWILg
Demoscene Education Curricula Examples: https://www.graffathon.fi/2019/, https://www.echtzeitkultur.org/en/projects/pingala/
Logo Programming Language for kids: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language)
Rest In Peace, Tron: https://demozoo.org/sceners/73824/; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKF4Yzl2o9I
Hosts: Axel, Okkie and Ziphoid
Producer: Shana
Editing, Jingles: lug00ber
Cover Art: Critikill