I tried to speak open, loud and true to prevent the same thing from happening to you.
I tried to educate what would be your impending fate if you didn't tune into the knowing within that whispered for you to run, that told you my words were true, so raw, so deep.
Now here you are discarded, used, abused, your head spinning, dazed and confused, you're left in a heap.
You are now just another one of those "crazies" who did something wrong as he lays there on Tinder that very same day crying his sob story to anyone who will listen with his self-created crocodile tears all night long.
I hope it didn't become worse for you, as he had gotten with me, progressively worse than the beautiful souls before me.
I truly hope you awoke and escaped before the true entrapment set in. Before he could suck the love and light right out of the depths of your soul like he has done with us all.
There are many of us.
You're not alone.
If you're feeling to blame, any shame, please reach out, I know your name.
I await for you with loving arms.
I'll nurture you back to self, you'll rise and roar stronger and brighter than ever before.
I'll help you see again, now with a clear lense.
I wanted to reach you right from the beginning, just as those before me wanted to do for me, but all afraid that it was too late, already in his web of lies and manipulation, unable to think and see straight, he would turn it around, that we are they crazy ones.
So I showed up everyday, even when I had nothing left to give. When speaking the truth put a focus on me, when I wanted to hide from the world and bury my pain, when I was too tired to fight, to stand up for myself let alone others for another day.
I created this digital footprint, a trail of breadcrumbs for you to find when on your own you became to awaken and see.
His mask falls off, this is when I began to look but there was no traces before me.
So I lay it all out bare, day in day out for all to see, in hope that I am not too late.
I hope his anger and rage doesn't seal your fate.
I pray for you and can only hope this reaches you soon or just in time at the very least.
From one beautiful heart and soul to another with an army of others before me. We are survivors turned warriors powered by the dark to shine and guide others to the light , together we await.
Yours sincerely, the one who escaped, stood up against him, rose and now roars for us all <3