αυτό σε τσιχλοφουσκί το έχετε;

16. Τσίνγκις Χαν

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One day I was looking at the wold map and my eyes fell on this weird place: Ulaanbaatar.


So then I looked it up on wikipedia and started reading about this wonderful place called Mongolia, about which I had heard so little throughout my life but now I was discovering that it's fascinating and beautiful and the language sounds like nothing I'd ever heard before.

Now, years later, Mongolia holds a special place (the specialest place!) in my heart. I hope you enjoy listening to this episode, where I talk about Genghis Khan's death & burial, and some other facts about the country.

~ The song heard at 03:06 is ''Chinggis Khaanii Magtaal'' (Ode to Chinggis Khaan)
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_5yt5IX38I] by Batzorig Vaanchig
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αυτό σε τσιχλοφουσκί το έχετε;By six thousand islands

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