The Crew has set sail across the infamous Seventh Sea. But before the half-year voyage, they must first establish a Pirate Code.
20 Sided Stories presents
Pirates of The Public Domain
Captain Horatio was played by David Michmerhuizen
Prince Ronald was played by Greg Reasoner
Valora was played by Jessica Dahlgren
Sabine was played by Emily Ervolina
Una was played by Kate Pursely
Salmon was played by Travis Reaves
Monte was played by Henry Benney
With additional voices provided by the whole cast
Narration by Joyce Torres
Transcripts by Tiffany Chapman
Character art by cybercatbug
Editing, Sound Design, and Music by Sage G.C.
A very special thanks to Christian Baltazar, Matt Johnston, and all our wonderful Patreon supporters who help make this show possible.
Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.
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And for all sorts of buried treasures—from artwork, to the original soundtrack, to our tabletop role playing system—go to
CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit swearing and language, vomit sounds, alcoholism, extreme weather, sexual humor, speciesism, themes of excess wealth, class warfare, and poverty.
(0:27) THEME
(1:20) Recap
(2:30) Establishing the Code
(21:12) BREAK
(24:22) Across the Seventh Sea
(24:40) 1. Portrait
(26:04) 2. Storms
(26:46) 3. Limes
(28:17) 4. Rumble
(29:52) 5. Drinking
(32:45) 6. Surnames
(36:44) Arrival
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