Join Swami Padmanabha and friends in Sri Mayapura as they explore how to embrace our eternal prospect of bhakti in a way that each step is “sustainable for eternity.” For this, we must develop some expertise in coexisting with our practice, our ideals, and our commitments in a way that is sustainable— normalized, healthy, inspiring—and not dysfunctional—guilt, shame, blame, anxiety, disturbance. trip, and not something in which we end up becoming more dysfunctional than what we were before starting the whole bhakti journey.
The discussion begins with a focus on the necessity to honestly acknowledge our condition in both in its messiness and that messiness in the context of being unconditionally loved by the Sweet Absolute. How we approach this dynamic directly and foundationaly affects our practice, and informs how we conceive other aspects of our spiritual journey, such as individuation, belonging rather than fitting in, and trusting while waiting.