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South Korea to build 4 museums in Sejong by 2028
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer
기사 요약: 문체부 '박물관·미술관 진흥 기본계획에 따라 세종 국립박물관단지에 2028년까지 박물관 4개 추가 건립될 예정이.다
[1] Four new museums will be established in the National Museum Complex of Korea in Sejong by 2028, while a National Museum Storage Facility cluster will be created in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, to better manage cultural assets.
establish 설립[설정]하다
cultural asset 문화재
[2] The projects are part of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism's four-year plan aimed at expanding the country's museum and art gallery infrastructure while improving cultural heritage management and accessibility, announced Thursday.
aimed at ~을 목표로 한
accessibility 접근 (가능성), 이해하기 쉬움
[3] The Culture Ministry also announced plans to reform the art donation tax payment system, which allows individuals to pay inheritance tax using cultural properties or artwork instead of cash. The revised system aims to broaden the range of eligible works of art.
tax payment system 납세 시스템
eligible …을 가질[할] 수 있는
[4] The new museum expansion plan sets out three main goals -- making museums and galleries central spaces for enjoying national culture, revitalizing local culture and regional tourism and advancing future-oriented cultural institutions accessible to all.
revitalize 새로운 활력을 주다, 재활성화시키다
future-oriented 미래 지향적인
기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10032088
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6
2727 ratings
South Korea to build 4 museums in Sejong by 2028
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer
기사 요약: 문체부 '박물관·미술관 진흥 기본계획에 따라 세종 국립박물관단지에 2028년까지 박물관 4개 추가 건립될 예정이.다
[1] Four new museums will be established in the National Museum Complex of Korea in Sejong by 2028, while a National Museum Storage Facility cluster will be created in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, to better manage cultural assets.
establish 설립[설정]하다
cultural asset 문화재
[2] The projects are part of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism's four-year plan aimed at expanding the country's museum and art gallery infrastructure while improving cultural heritage management and accessibility, announced Thursday.
aimed at ~을 목표로 한
accessibility 접근 (가능성), 이해하기 쉬움
[3] The Culture Ministry also announced plans to reform the art donation tax payment system, which allows individuals to pay inheritance tax using cultural properties or artwork instead of cash. The revised system aims to broaden the range of eligible works of art.
tax payment system 납세 시스템
eligible …을 가질[할] 수 있는
[4] The new museum expansion plan sets out three main goals -- making museums and galleries central spaces for enjoying national culture, revitalizing local culture and regional tourism and advancing future-oriented cultural institutions accessible to all.
revitalize 새로운 활력을 주다, 재활성화시키다
future-oriented 미래 지향적인
기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10032088
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6
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