Davids Book: https://amzn.to/3dWmIq5
David's Website:https://www.clevelglobal.com/
Link to interview on YT: https://youtu.be/Vxu4hpQhxvY
How did you get your entrepreneurial start?
- Have any mentors?
- What drives you?
- What holds people/leaders back from being bold
- Why the book... Overcoming The 15 CAtegories of Rejection? Why seek to be the 1st person to categorize rejection (The sources of Yes versus No)?
- What is Renaissance Methodology?
- What is the Theory of Accelerance?
- What is an awkward situation you've faced with executives?
- Have you seen anything in business that breaks your heart?
- What are Modes-to-Market?
- What makes or breaks transmogrifying a business
- Why do they say cashflow is the #1 reasons business fail
David: And envision it. Is it a possibility? Yes. How great can I make it? How much greater can I make it? Okay. I bet it can be even greater, but now I have to commit to it. Tell my people. You have to then make an emotional connection to your people. And then you step back.
Leaders aren't going to do it all. People are going to do it well beyond any leader's wildest imagination. If you get them emotionally engaged and they want it, we all want to be emotionally engaged.
I truly believe Ken, I learned this from mentor Jim Kerridge, people wake up with the best of intentions.
I really believe that. Almost everybody wakes up with the best of intentions. And you want to do good things, but then we go out there and we're held back by certain process malfunctions, communication issues, mental blocks in our head. In my book O
vercoming the 15 Categories of Rejection, mind block is the first category of rejection. We're held back by these types of things.
And the truth of the matter is a good leader, a really good leader, can harness that power and rally so much effort behind him that he could almost be invincible with his goals.
Ken: I agree with that. Okay. So tell me why you wrote the book
Overcoming the 15 Categories of Rejection.
David: Oh well, looking back I had a couple of manuscripts written. I used them as training material for my
Renaissance Methodology for my teams. And I thought you know what? I need to sharpen these up and make a book because it's gonna help the business keep growing and continuing to make money.
But then some wild idea hit me, Ken. I was asked to speak for a publicly-traded company and they wanted me to speak to an executive crowd focused on selling and somehow it came up with, talk about rejection. And I said, "sure."
So I go online to look up the categories of rejection. It's about 14 years ago, you could do that 14 years ago. You could go online but still didn't exist. Wasn't there. I go to the library to find the categories of rejection, Ken. Should've got her name, biggest mistake, I didn't. But the picturesque librarian, very well-kept older lady with the beehive hairdo, horn-rimmed glasses. This is what you would picture in a movie, of the librarians just helping me. I knew she could find the categories of rejection out there in the world of books. Couldn't do it. Dewey decimal system, her computer, nothing.
I go talk to Dr. Sager, the Dean of the Business College at the University of North Texas at the time. Working with him, ask him for help. He whistles down his hallway, all these deans flood in. My guys help me. I'm all looking all over for the categories of rejection. I'm preparing for this speech I'm going to give, help me. One professor says, David, yeah, that doesn't exist.