Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

7.1 | Infrared Gargoyles, Ouija Board Escapes and CIA Animal Spies

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In the shadow of war, soldiers aren't always fighting a flesh-and-blood enemy. Extreme environments can often invite unusual things..

From Ouija board summonings in Okinawa that release entities into our world, to monstrous, infrared sky-gargoyles seen only through experimental military tech, this episode is a payload of incredible, true tales!

Also, CIA sponsored animal espionage?! What?! That's right, From weaponized rabbits and eavesdropping pigeons to Cold War cats wired for surveillance, military black projects have long sought to turn the natural world into asset! 

And then, of course, we return to Glimmer Man.. a shadowy presence stalking the corridors of the world’s largest naval air stationI, is it a specter of the past, or a bleeding-edge experiment in battlefield invisibility?!

Join us, as we gear up and go behind enemy lines of the bizarre!

👊 Sponsor: Factor 🌮
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🔥 Expansion Episode:
7.1 EXP | Haunted Austin: Murder Under the Moontower! Cattle Creeps and Goblins of 6th Street 🔗 👉

📕 Full Show Notes

⏰ Timestamps
03:44 | Strange phenomena drawn to military activity and special access strangeness
06:44 | Coming Up: Invisible Entities in the Baracks, Ouija Board Summonings in Okinawa, Foxfire saviors in the lowlands and Monstrous Infrared Sky Entities and Clandestine animal espionage!
08:24 | Fox Fire in the Lowlands | Clint
21:17 | Beware the Bunnies! Rabbit Ears of the CIA | Anonymous
28:42 | Animal Espionage: Acoustic Kitty and other ‘animal partner’ CIA Programs
33:43 | Operation Glimmer: Ghosts in the Barracks | Ray
42:30 | Government testing or Paranormal Poltergeist | Clip
47:18 | Episode Sponsor: FACTOR
49:04 | Glimmerman Tech Update - Cutting-edge cloaking technology
58:58 | Warning from an Old Friend | Something
1:07:55 | Demon Goggles of Vietnam | Clif High
1:16:19 | It Came From the Board
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