Pack your bags, kids, we are going to Flavor Town! Yes, that’s right, this week on Flavor Odyssey, your hosts Robby and Randy seek the best drink pairing for Guy Fieri’s Knuckle Sandwich Habano by Espinosa Premium Cigars, which snagged our number 3 spot on this year’s best of the best list.
Randy: KS Habano & Old Fashioned Cocktail 👍🏻
Robby: KS Habano & Airmail Cocktail 👍🏻
Sensei: New World Dorado & Gold Rush Cocktail 👍🏻
Jordan: New World Dorado & Gold Rush Cocktail 👎🏻
Randy: 26%
Robby: 74%
Audience Pairing
Kevin O'Connor: KS Habano & Treehouse Gose