It’s time to leave the forest now. But remember, you can always return, when your life needs a little bit of magic.Thanks for joining me today. You’ve been a wonderful companion. Take care.
This has been A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare adapted by Michael Dray and Pauline Stuart. Produced by Bielefeld University’s English Drama Group.
Niclas Bartsch as Lysander and Puck
Sarah Meinert as Titania and Hermia
Keke Hildebrand as Egues, Demetrius and Oberon
Jana Becker as Theseus and Helena
Pia Tittel as Flute, Snug and Titania
Benjamin Zipser as Quince and Puck
Bernd Stephan Janzen as Bottom
Jonas Wagner as Oberon and Lysander
Chelsea Wahner as Demetrius
Laura Ronneburger as Hermia and Puck
Fiona Grond as Titana, Theseus, Snug and Helena
Hilke Hecht as Oberon and Flute
Laila Bondzio as Hermia, Quince and Puck
Elisabeth Ebert as Peaseblossom
Forest sound: Forest by JayHu
All other sounds licensed under Creative Commons 0.