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By John W. Curren
1010 ratings
The podcast currently has 161 episodes available.
In this episode of A Swift Kick in the Ass, John spends time with actor Patrick Taft, the lead male character in the suspenseful movie "Bag of Lies" (Not Bag of Bones!) now showing on Amazon Prime and Tubi. This interview is more than talk about this new independent film with a great story that gets you thinking and suspense that has you at the edge of your seat - it's a story of family, life, death, and what you would really do if given the opportunity to cheat death. The fact is we all carry a bag of lies. If you are looking to recreate your life, this one gives you pleanty to think about. Take a listen and get your ass moving on a life on your terms.
In this episode of ASKITA, John brings his passion for helping others find a path on their terms, It's emotional power that is part of your story that is key to your success and an often overlooked but important ingredient if you are trying to create positive change in your life. Don't misss this episode!
In this episode of ASKITA, John talk's about being broken, We are all broken in one way or another, But what you do to repair yourself, if you do anythng at all, matters. Give this epidsode a listen and get yourself some ideas on how to get your ass moving on a positive path.
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about Theseus, the founder of Athens and how the Athenians honored him by memorializing his ship. Over the years, so much of the ship had ben replaced, many thought of the ship as being totally different. Others said it was the same. When you live a life on your terms, things change. Are you the same person as a result or someone different? As usual, John is going to get you thinking and on a path of positive personal change.
In this episode of ASKITA, John presnts a strategy you can apply to our life that will help you make the most of the inevitable...change in your life! If you are caught up in the drain of suck, make sure to catch this episode and get living on your terms.
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about how ignorance is seen as such a bad word. But it is only bad if you do nothing about your ignorance as living with ignorance is not always blisss. Listen to this episode and get your ass moving in a better more positive direction.
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about how easy it is to get pulled into certain emotions when you are going through something and how to pull yourself back from it shifting power to more positive outcomes. This is your life. Tell it to go clean your room and take out the trash.
As with every episode, please visit when you are looking to create positive change.
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about a childhood dream that he has been trying to make real. His Dad doubted he could do it. His friends andf family laughed at him. But he never gave up and now it is happening! If you need encouragagement to keep going on a path full of twists and turns, you won't want to miss this one.
In this episode of ASKITA, John talks about how to approach life when you are taking risks...meaning you aren't really certain what is going to happen as a result of your actions. What to expect, and what you can do to make it less scary. All for those who want to kick ass in life. #KickAssInLife
In this episode of A Swift Kick in the Ass, the last episode planned for 2023, John has you squaring off with Real-Important-to-You terms as he tells stories of his childhood aand answers what his Dad was thinking as he sipped his beer in the heat while his relatives froze. You may find out what is real important to John and this how. Take a Listen and get living on your terns! Interested in creating a life on your terms? visit us at
The podcast currently has 161 episodes available.