In this episode, guests Yigal Rosen, Kristin Stoeffler, and Laurel Ozersky talk about the cross-cutting capabilities (CCCs) of creative and computational thinking. CCCs are part of ACT's Holistic Framework for college and career readiness.
Yigal and his group are leading some of the research and development in support of ACT’s transition to a learning company.
Kristin is a creative thinking specialist. She’s working on the 2021 PISA assessment of creative thinking and she’s also developing ways to foster students’ creative thinking skills for EDU2050. She is also an artist.
Laurel is a former math and science teacher. Her work on EDU2050 is about how to develop computational thinking for students. As she’ll describe, computational thinking is not just for computer programmers, but can be used in historical research for example or solving societal problems like food waste.
In 2021, ACT’s creative thinking assessment, the first of its kind will be a part of the international test called PISA. Students from about 70 countries will take PISA which assesses 15 year old students in mathematics, science, and reading and a fourth, innovative domain that changes with each testing cycle. The ACT-developed creative thinking assessment will be the fourth element in the 2021 testing cycle.
In addition to PISA, Yigal's Learning Solutions team is developing its own course work, called EDU2050.
You can follow Yigal and Kristin on Twitter.
A full transcript is available at: