In order to be the best parent, spouse, partner, friend, child, employee or employer that we can be, we must first be the best version of ourselves. We must get to know ourselves on an intimate level and truly love who we are. We do this by spending time with ourselves.When we sit in meditation, even for a few minutes a day, it is usually the only time we are quiet and alone. Our soul is the essence of us. It isn’t what we want to project to the world and it isn’t our self esteem that is connected to outside validation, it is what looks out of our eyes. We have to first connect before we can love.For so many of us it is like dating…we are meeting ourselves for the first time, dating, then getting serious, then falling in love. Along the way we may find a few things that we don’t like, but we realize that nobody is perfect! Dr. Pat Baccili joins Ali in the discussion.