Today on Alternative Talk our host is joined by Corey Loew. Corey is a wife & mother to three children, a grandma. And a bonus mom to now two adult “children”. And when the opportunity arose for her to help take custody of a relative who would later become a foster child, she attended IMPACT classes, so she and her husband could legally raise their nephew, as foster parents. Corey’s story truly began on September 11, 2001, when she became a first-time mother to Victoria Elizabeth, who has epilepsy and Mitochondrial Disease. In 2013, When medical marijuana landed on Corey’s radar as an alternative medicine for her daughter, Victoria, who was suffering from seizures-daily. Corey, quickly resigned as a Law Enforcement officer. This allowed her to join other parents and form what is now knows as: Georgia’s Hope. She is a Co-Founder. And was most recently was accepted as a speaker for the group known as L.E.A.P. Previously, Corey was a Co-Chair for the DeKalb ICC and served on the board for the Atlanta U.M.D.F. When her daughter was first diagnosed with epilepsy in 2002, Corey joined local organizations such as F.O.C.U.S, Lekotek, and Parent 2 Parent of Georgia, through these resources she was able to teach classes to Special Needs providers about being a Special Needs parent, from a parent’s perspective. This experience provided her with the skills to lobby for Medical Marijuana and speak to with Legislatures from all over the state of Georgia.