This week on Am I The Bolcast?, we get a call from one of my fave brewers in the scene - Spike Feeder Aaron! If you've ever enjoyed The Spike Feeders' gameplay on YouTube, there's a good chance you have Aaron to thank for the interesting and cool decks that you get to watch. Aaron's been tasked with being the chief brewmaster for the channel and, as someone who appreciates an engine, what he can do with a deck is fantastic.
Morgan isn't available this week so I messaged a good buddy of mine to fill-in at a moment's notice - my sweet boy, Jake Browne! Jake's got a new Substack he's been working on and I asked him to come chat with me and offer his verdict on Aaron's Bolas story.
Follow The Spike Feeders on YouTube -
Check out Jake's Substack -
00:00:11 - Skip intro button.
00:00:32 - Morgan Sanchez is not in today but our buddy Jake Browne fills in! We talk about Mana Club, subscribe now!
00:10:50 - We chat about our sponsor
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00:16:24 - A conversation with Aaron from The Spike Feeders
01:04:45 - Back to Mike and Jake for the Bolas verdict and a chat about how Mike and Aaron like the same style of brew. A surprising moment???
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Edited by Ken Peddle
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Music by Mike Carrozza
Find us on Twitter:
Podcast - @amithebolcast
Carrozza - @mikecarrozza
Morgan - @indigogentleman
Thanks for listening!