1. Ride-along 警民共乘
本集的名称ride-along是这样的。芝加哥警界有这样一个传统:普通市民可以坐在警察巡逻车的副驾驶座上,观察警员的日常工作,这个过程被称作「共乘」ride-along. Ross和Chandler随菲比的警察男友巡逻就是Ride-along
Kevin Hart有一部喜剧片就叫做Ride Along讲的就是共乘的市民和警察误打误撞办案的故事。
Phoebe: (entering, with Gary) Hey!
Gary: Hello!
Monica: Hey!
Gary: How are you?
Phoebe: Monica, I'm sorry I didn't come by last night. I was out with Gary; he let me ride around with him in his cop car. We saw and prevented crimes.
Joey: You got to go on a ride along?!
Phoebe: Uh-huh!
Joey: I want to go on a ride along!
Ross: Me too!
Gary: Okay!
Chandler: Yeah, yeah! Me too!
Gary: Really?! You?
Chandler: Yeah.
Gary: Well, it's kinda dangerous.
Chandler: Well, I like danger.
Gary: Okay, you guys free tonight?
Joey and Ross: Yeah!!
Chandler: Tonight? You-you didn't say it was going to be at nighttime.
Rachel把Monica的照片给弄乱了,所以说oops, sorry.
Oops! 感叹词 表示惊讶、狼狈、谢罪等的叫声,相当于,哎哟! 小甜甜布莱尼当年一曲Oops! I did it again 红遍全球。
Rachel: Ohh, it's me and La Poo! Wow! I miss that dog.
Monica: You can also find him under umm, dog and dead.
Rachel: Great! Thanks!
Monica: All right, hand me that other box of photos; that's the very last one.
Rachel: Okay.
Rachel:Oops. Sorry! Well, good thing you number all of them, huh?
Monica: I hadn't! Photo 152 was a prototype.
3. lean on 依靠,逼迫
Chandler夸奖Gary制服嫌疑人用了lean on.
Lean on 除了依靠以外,还有逼迫,给某人施加压力的意思。
Ross: (to Gary) That was so cool man, the way you leaned on that guy.
Chandler: It is starting to get dark out there.
Ross: (to Gary) He told you everything! I mean you totally cracked him!
Gary: Yeah well, being that he was the victim, they're usually pretty talkative.
Chandler: (laughing) Okay. (Deadpan) But it is officially nighttime
4. out of the blue 突然的
Ross的前妻Emily又要结婚了,忽然想打电话给Ross看看是不是还有挽回的余地。她给Ross打电话也是心血来潮,所以用了out of the blue
out of the blue 突然地,毫无预兆的
Emily: (on answering machine) Hello Ross? It's Emily. (Rachel runs back into the room with the tequila.) I know this is out of the blue but uh, I'm getting married tomorrow. Well, maybe I am. I keep thinking about you and I'm wondering if-if we made a mistake giving up so fast. Are you thinking about me? Of course you're not, but if you are, call me tonight. Okay, bye.
Rachel: Oh. Oh! (Takes a slug of tequila.)
5. squeeze one's shoes 给某人施加压力
三个老友在跟Gary出警时,Joey问Gary是不是要squeeze the perps shoes.
Squeeze sb’s shoes = break sb’s shoes 给某人施加点压力
Ross: So where are we going next?
Gary: This witness won't return my calls so we're gonna see if we can surprise him coming home.
Chandler: Sur-surprise him? We're not, we're not gonna make anybody mad are we?
Joey: Come on man! (To Gary) Listen so uh, are you gonna squeeze the perps shoes a little bit before he lawyers up?
Gary: It's a witness not a perp. And no one talks like that!
Ross: Yeah, no one talks like that!
Joey: Oh what? Like your Mr. Cop!
Ross: Hey, I'm more cop than you two!
Chandler: How do you figure that?
Ross: Hello! I'm in the front seat, okay? I'm Gary's partner!
Chandler: Y'know, when you say partner it doesn't sound cop. It, it sounds gay.
6. live every day to the fullest 每天要活得精彩
Live every day to the fullest. 每天都要活的精彩。
Rachel: Oh, maybe that's Emily calling back to leave the exact same message.
Ross: (on the machine) Hey Ross! It's you! I just want you to remember this feeling. You are lucky to be alive! So live everyday to the fullest. Love yourself, okay? Okay. Oh, and also get stamps. Bye! (He hangs up.)
Monica: Wow! Play that message for Emily and this whole problem goes away!
Rachel: Right?
7. join the forces 参军,加入警队
join the forces 参军或加入警队
8. ramble about sth 唠叨
Ramble about sth 唠叨,絮叨
Ramble about 也有闲逛瞎逛的意思。
Ross: Okay, okay, so we're in the car. Right? And bang! A shot was fired. And Joey with no regard for his own safety throws himself on me!
Phoebe: My God, Joey!
Chandler: (pouting) It was a car backfire!
Ross: Yeah, but-but he didn't know that!
Joey: Yeah, I didn't know that.
Ross: And it could've just as easily have been a bullet.
Gary: Hey Joe, you ever think about joining the force? We could use a guy like you.
Chandler: Who jumps at loud noises!
Ross: Wow! I could've died tonight.
Chandler: Yeah! If the car that backfired had run over you! Y'know what, I think I'll go home before Ross starts rambling about his newfound respect for life. (He gets up and starts for the door.)
Ross: I do have a newfound respect for life.
9. out of the picture 彻底消失
Chandler对于Joey在发生所谓的危险时先救Ross感到耿耿于怀,跟Joey理论起来,Joey误认为Chanlder想要Ross out of the picture.
Out of the picture 某人或某事从生活中彻底消失
Joey: Dude! How come you took off?
Chandler: Oh, I just went for a walk, around the living room. Whatever…
Joey: Is something wrong?
Chandler: No. No I'm just tired. Y'know, from-from the walk.
Joey: Okay.
Chandler: You dove in front of Ross! Ross!
Joey: That's what this is about! Oh my God, you hate Ross!
Chandler: I do not hate Ross!
Joey: Of course you do! I saved him! You're mad at me! It all adds up! You want Rossout of the picture.
Chandler: What picture?
Joey: I don't know, but I don't like what I'm hearing!
10. a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟
Rachel在Ross家跟Ross说了这样一句话this is just a drop in the bucket mister! 意思说我不请自来到你家跟你不请自来到我家比起来根本不算什么。
a drop in the bucket
Rachel: Hey! Hi!
Ross: Rach, what uh, what are you doing here?
Rachel: Hey! Y'know what? You are in our apartment all the time! Okay? This is, this is just a drop in the bucket mister!
Ross: Y'know, it-it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you're here. You're my friend, and you're here.
11. number is up 气数已尽
在描述自己晚上的奇遇时,Ross说认为自己number is up.
number is up 死期到了,气数已尽
But this time I think his number is up -a he has a smart young man running against him with a lot of new ideas.
Ross: The most amazing thing happened tonight. I thought my number was up. I had an actual near death experience!
Rachel: What?! What? What happened?!
Ross: Okay, okay, we were on the ride along with Gary, right?
Rachel: Yeah!
Ross: And somebody took a shot at me!
Rachel: (gasps) Really?!
Ross: No, a car backfired, but (Rachel suddenly calms down) I thought somebody was taking a shot at me.
12. close call 侥幸脱险
Ross 觉得这一天过得特别惊险,自己险些没命,所以说这是close call day.
close call 侥幸脱险,幸免于难,千钧一发
我们最常见的用法 That was a close call 好险!
Rachel: I mean, look-look today you escaped (Pause) (Not believing it) death, y'know? And maybe this is a chance for you to escape getting back together with Emily?
Ross: That does make sense. Because I do wanna seize some opportunity, but I-I really don't wanna see or talk to her.
Rachel: Well, there you go!
Ross: Yeah. Maybe today is just, close call day.
Rachel: (laughing) Close call day.
Ross: Hey, thanks Rach. (They hug.)