In this live event, Khushita Vasant (MLex) is interviewing Olivier Guersent (DG COMP) on 20 years of competition policy and the first stage of implementation of the DMA.
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If you would like to read about this topic, you can access the following Concurrences documents. If you do not have access, please inquire for Subscription.
1. European Commission, The EU Commission designates a multinational booking platform as a gatekeeper in the online intermediation market (, 13 May 2024.
2. Alain Ronzano, Digital Markets Act: The European Commission designates a Big Tech company as a gatekeeper under the Digital Markets Act with respect to its operating system for tablets (Apple), 29 April 2024.
3. US Department of Justice Antitrust Division, The EU Commission, US FTC and DoJ hold a joint technology and competition policy dialogue to strengthen cooperation and promote fair competition in the digital economy, 11 April 2024.
4. Alain Ronzano, Digital Markets Act: The European Commission launches five non-compliance investigations against GAFAMs, as well as two preliminary investigations on suspicion that four of the six gatekeepers are not fully complying with the obligations laid down by the DMA (Alphabet ; Apple ; Meta), 25 March 2024.
5. Alain Ronzano, Digital Markets Act : The European Commission designated gatekeepers who must comply with all obligations provided for by the regulation on digital markets (Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft et ByteDance), 7 March 2024.
6. Alain Ronzano, Digital Markets Act : The European Commission concludes, after four market investigations, that certain platforms from the GAFAM should not be considered as gatekeepers (iMessage ; Bing ; Edge ; Microsoft Advertising), 13 February 2024.
7. General Court of the European Union, The EU General Court dismisses a video-sharing service provider’s challenge to its designation as a gatekeeper (Bytedance), 9 February 2024.
8. Thomas Graf, Robbert Snelders, Henry Mostyn, Sabrina Apitz-Grossman, Conor Opdebeeck-Wilson, Bianca Buzatu, The EU Commission designates the first set of gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act (Alphabet / Amazon / Apple / ByteDance / Meta / Microsoft), 6 September 2023.