Tim Flink, a Senior Quality Engineer from Red Hat joins us to talk about AI on Fedora. This week Noah and Steve talk about their struggles with the Linux Desktop.
-- During The Show --
02:30 Helping a Non-techy friend - Sleuth
The planLocked down second hand Android deviceTing Flex planTracarJMP.Chat Sim PlanMint MobileSteer people away from sms/callsMatrixTelegrametc08:47 News Wire
Calibre 7.21 - calibre-ebook.com
Scraperr 1.0 - github.com
LXQT 2.1 - lxqt-project.org
Ubuntu Touch OTA-6 - ubports.com
Torvalds 2.6% Performance Patch - theregister.com
3800% Performance Improvement - phoronix.com
CRON#TRAP Malware - thehackernews.com
AMD OLMo LLM - computerworld.com
09:58 Tim Flink - Senior Quality Engineer - Red Hat
Where should you start with AI?PyTorchOrders of magnitude faster on a GPUVRAM is the biggest factorHow is Fedora using AI?OpenQARocM and PyTorchEfforts around packagingWhy are you focusing on RocM?Where is a good place to help out?AI/ML SIGContainers comingWhat does open source mean to you?22:28 Kubuntu and Docker Broken - Michael Fisher
Docker Compose PastebinDocker Logs PastebinDocker internal DNS having issues24:36 What's the deal with Linux Desktop Environments?
Steve's workflowStatic vs Dynamic approachHow close can I get to immutable with flatpaksSoftware KVMSynergy (proprietary)Barrior (abandoned)Input Leap3 Monitors, 2 horizontal and 1 verticalKDE hates SteveNVIDIA driversWhy is it so hard to put software in hardware?Ubuntu won't say its up to date because of Ubuntu ProCan't install LibreOffice on Ubuntu because of SnapAll operating systems have issues45:20 MacOS vs EndlessOS vs Windows 10
Mac BookNo working batteryDisposable3+ Hours just to install the OSThinkPad with EndlessOSFlatpak for Office 365WindowsCan't upgrade to windows 11Windows 11 requires online accountWindows 11 requires TPM chip2 People both chose the EndlessOSEndless OSNo forced updatesAll the icons right thereOpen sourceAllows you to fix thingsUnix philosophyThe answers are there-- The Extra Credit Section --
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