Justine Froelker is a Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Certified Daring Way™ & Dare to Lead™ Facilitator (based on the research of Brené Brown) begins an empathy series based on your questions. Join the conversation in the comments!
What is Empathy (video 1) - https://youtu.be/7E8kw-aHnZI
How Come Empathy (video 2) - https://youtu.be/3cK7j4-oCyI
Empathy in Action (video 3) - https://youtu.be/pl6R61ex67w
Kristen Neff - https://self-compassion.org/ Justine's latest book: https://amzn.to/2M9DvdF
Learn More About Justine's Work: https://www.justinefroelker.com/what-we-do
Dare to Lead book by Brené Brown: https://www.justinefroelker.com/resources
Justine’s Awesome T-Shirts: https://www.amazon.com/s?rh=n%3A7141123011%2Cp_4%3AJustine+Froelker&ref=bl_sl_s_ap_web_7141123011
www.justinefroelker.com www.facebook.com/justinebfroelker www.instagram.com/justinefroelker www.twitter.com/justinefroelker