"You have to learn how to move quickly on your feet and just go with the flow and have fun with it. Because not every day is going to be perfect There's glitches and mess-ups every day. You just have to be able to get through them." -KAAP-KVEW Anchor Monica Petruzzelli
If you have ever wondered what goes on in the mind of those News Anchors we see on TV, wonder no more! Tune in to this episode of the Ignited podcast and also hear some remarkably motivating and insightful tid bits about life, love, inner peace, passions, and helping others. Learn how even this very busy and successful woman, can savor the moment and create a balance in life that enables her to reach an acme in her field of choice, build a loving relationship with her fiancé, and even lead a career in music.
1. "I have found the most healthy way for me to overcome my anxiety is to be gentle with myself, to not talk myself down, to challenge those voices that tell me I'm not good enough, to strive to get through it and to know that I can."
2. "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." -Mother Theresa
3. "Take trips, even if it's just for a day and do nice things for each other whenever you can." -Monica's fiancé, Dru
4. "Just cause it's hard to find the words, we want to be able to say them before they can't be heard."
5. "Every day is a new starting line."
1. When you're doing what you love, other people will notice
2. When things don't go your way in the moment, just keep on going towards your goal
3. Helping others brings you joy and Dealing with Mental Health
4. Keep Yourself Open to Opportunities New & Old
5. Why Journalism, How Anchoring?
6. Overcoming Anxiety: Challenging those voices who tell us we are not good enough
7. Savoring the Moment, Being Present- Put the Phone Away
8. COVID-19 and Illness: Spending time with the people we love most helps us get through the tough times
9. Making Love Last & Finding Balance in Life
IG: @monicamakesmusic , @Monicareports
Soundcloud: MonicaPetruzzellimusic
Youtube: MonicaPetruzzelli
LinkedIn: MonicaPetruzzelli
For more About Monica: www.talenttapes.com/monicapetruzzelli
*Books That We Mentioned:
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- Ten Percent Happier by Dan Harris
- Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by Dan Harris
- Untamed by Glennon Doyle
As always, I am grateful for everyone who is a part of the Auxiluim family and also for those who are just stopping by. Follow here and share this episode with someone who you think might need to hear it!
*For those of you who are like me and love adventure and to escape reality by diving into the pages of a good book, check out my book series The Cardinal Cure on Amazon or Kindle! The first two books are available now: "The Memory: A journey of the heart and the mind" & "The Dream: When Stars Fall"
Stay fit, Stay healthy, Stay Dreaming
*Follow me on IG @fittravelerjwg and subscribe to the Auxiluim website www.igniteyourdream-auxiluim.com to learn more about the brand, coaching options and for more fitspiration!
*Sponsorships: Please email me directly at [email protected]