Morgan and West join me to talk about scripting and character building. While they have some great magic tricks, they maintain that tricks do not make the performer, but the performance makes the performer. Listen to get some tips and tricks on how to not only become a better magician, but a better performer.
Morgan and West met whilst studying at Oxford in the late nineteenth century. It was in that most reclining of seats of learning that the duo’s love of deception and legerdemain was born, and they would have been joined at the hip ever since, were it not for the vast discrepancy in the height of their pelvises.
In the intervening centuries these time travelling tricksters have performed their unique brand of magic, wit and whimsy on stages all over the UK, and indeed all around the world. Anywhere there are boards to be trodden, crowds to be wowed or tea to be drunk Morgan & West will be there with miracles in tow*.
Eagle eyed magic fans (magic fans who are eagle eyed that is, not fans of eagle eyed magic) will have spotted Morgan & West on their television/computer/tablet/phone/phablet/smart watch/smart kettle screens in recent years on shows such as Penn & Teller: Fools Us, The Slammer and The Next Great Magician.